A new beginning


He stood next to me, silent and still

Staring at me with those perplexed eyes

I told him I have to leave,

Else I will miss the last train that departs.

I told him I cannot wait for an hour more,

I have to reach the site for my interview on time.

We shook hands, kissed each other goodbye

Looked each other in the eye, I had to leave for good.

Tears won’t stop running from my eyes,

I did not look back.

It’s been 12 years since then…

That was the last time I met him!

Or bumped into someone like him!

That was the first time I have ever loved a man.

It’s raining in my vicinity today, I am lonely.

The sky is full of the immobile black clouds

I am all by myself, the thunder don’t startle me anymore!

I remember you now.

I recollect every word you said.

Sometime back, when in the green valley I walked

I met an old friend, we laughed at the memories we made,

We talked for hours.

She spoke so well of you

That you live a peaceful life and people in the neighborhood love you

And that you still spoke fondly of me!

Even when I was the one to break our bond

The bond of love, faith and alliance.

My heart won’t stop pounding at your thoughts

You have been the reason of my pulse,

You are keeping me alive

This I can no longer deny.

I gather the strength to drive to your place

I am now eager to hear your voice

I talk to myself while I am about to knock the door

Wonder if you would remember me,

My cold heart is colder now, I am nervous.

Someone seems to open the door

My heart starts beating faster than ever, and soon,

Those same eyes are staring back at mine.

“I am sorry for what I did to you” I said

“Will you take me back?”

His eyes smiled

As if that’s all he wanted to hear

“Welcome home, my beloved, I knew you would”

He hugged me, I smiled and whispered into his ears,

“I will never let you go!!!”

-Shanta (2014)

Photograph: 2013, New Delhi

Published by Shanta TS

A free spirit with a camera and stories to tell.

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